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How do I request a new feature?
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Why do you need my phone number to make an account?
Where can I find Howbout's privacy policy and terms & conditions?
Account & settings
How do I change my name?
How do I change my password?
How do I change / remove my profile picture?
How do I log out of my Howbout account?
How do I delete my account?
How do I switch between 12-hour and military time / 24-hour time?
How do I enable calendar permissions?
How do I add a widget?
Calendars & availability
How do I change the colours on my calendar?
How do I import other calendars into Howbout?
How do I export my Howbout calendar into other apps?
Who can see my calendar?
How do I make a group / shared calendar with friends?
How do I merge / unmerge mutual plans on the shared calendar?
Friends & groups
How do I change the colour of my group?
How do I add friends?
How do I delete friends?
How many friends can I have on Howbout?
Can I make new friends on Howbout?
How do I create a group on Howbout?
How do I add members to my group?
How do I leave a Howbout group?
How many groups can I have on Howbout?
Planning & finding time
How do I delete messages, images, videos or files I've sent in chat?
My chats are missing, where have they gone?
How can I see / find when my friends are free?
How do I see when everyone in my Howbout group is free?
How do I change the colours of my events?
How can I see all my upcoming events in a list view?
How can I find my past and declined events?
How do I set up my work schedule?
How do I make an event that lasts multiple days?
How do I make a recurring event?
How do I edit an event?
How do I cancel / delete an event?
How do I change the time / date of an event?
How do I leave an event?
Who can see my plans?
How does the bucket list work?
Other FAQs
How to start a family calendar?
How do I share my calendar with another user?
How to sync Google Calendar?
How do I share my iPhone calendar?
How to share an iPhone calendar with someone?
Can I share my calendar with friends?
How do I share my calendar with a group?
Does Google have polls?
What is the app that tells you when people are free?
How to find a time that works for everyone?
How do I plan a day with my friends?
How to plan hangouts with friends?
Is there a free app to share calendars?
How to make a shareable Google calendar?
Is there an app to share a calendar?
How do I share my work schedule?
How can I see someone else's schedule?
How do I share calendars between devices?
How do you keep in touch with school friends?
What is the best way to keep in touch with old friends?
How to make plans over the holidays?
How to not lose touch with friends over the summer
How do I stop missing a long-distance friend?
How to cope with a long distance friend
What’s the best way to stay in touch with friends you don’t see often
How to effectively plan a group trip
How do you plan a vacation together
How do I plan a long trip with friends
How to organise a trip with friends
What’s the best app for group trip planning
How do I make a bucket list?
How do I make a vacation bucket list?
How do I make a couples bucket list?
How do I see my Snapchat memories?
How do I see my Instagram memories?
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